The compiler files can be found in is-Engine-Level-Editor/app/src/main/bin-Qt.Or open the file in the location is-Engine-Level-Editor/app/src/main/qt.
Run the file open_qt_creator.bat in the main directory (Make sure you have included the path to the Qt executable in your PATH environment variable).Opening the project with the IDE: Windows Download this version of SFML already compiled for Qt 5.12.9 and extract it in C:/ (C:/SFML_Qt_MinGW).Ģ.Download Qt 5.12.9 MinGW here and install it.In order for CMake to detect your source files (.cpp) you must include them in the app_src.cmake or isengine.cmake file which is located in the is-Engine-Level-Editor/app/src/main/cmake location.You will have a bin folder in which the engine Level-Editor is located.Sudo cmake -S 'is-Engine-Level-Editor ' -B 'build ' cd build